martes, 18 de agosto de 2009


HELLO! My name's Burbuja. I'm eight years old. I'm from England. I live in my house with my family. I'm a heroine.

I'm very short and thin. Cactus is bigger than me. I've got very big and blue eyes. I've got short, blonde and straight hair. I've got two ponytail. I'm pretty. I'm wearing a blue and black dress and black shoes. I'm very shy, generous, hard-working and restless.

I like fighting and I love playing with my sisters. I don't like salad. I hate studying. I'm good at tricking. I can iron but I can't cook or fly. My favourite colours are blue and black. My favourite animals are cats. My favourite language is Spanish. My favourite food is chips. My hobbies are fighting and playing.


By Ana.
Course 5ª.

3 comentarios:

English dijo...

Your composition is very good. I like it very much.

Remember: Inglaterra (England), I hate studying.


Your teacher, Lidia.

Maria Primero de la E.S.O dijo...

Hola a todos¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Soy María Naranjo.Aunque no he comentado mucho de vez en cuando leo vuestra descripciones.Os felicito por ser tan trabajadores(escribir hasta en verano)y por el nivel de vuestras descripciones.
Falta un año para que entréis en el instituto pero seguro que os va a ir genial.
Un abrazo.

English dijo...

Hi, How are you? I hope you´re OK. What about your holidays?

María me alegra mucho comprobar que de vez en cuando le echas un vistazo a nuestro blog. Te animo a que sigas participando siempre que quieras. Espero que este curso te vaya tan bien como siempre. No te olvides de dar una vueltecilla por el cole e informar, ok?