martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

Descriptcion of a Mirmo

My name is Mirmo. I´m six nine years old. I´m from Tokio. I live in ''mundo muglox''. I´m a student.

I´m short and thin. I´ve got long, blond and curly.I´ve got small and blue eyes. I´m handsome. I´m wearing blue T-shirt,blue shoe. I´m nervous, moody and sensitive.I´m boy.

I like singing and running.I don´t like dancing or lentil.I can power.I can't climbing or swimming.My favourite sport is football.My favourite subjects is language.My hobby is singing.

The Albert and Mary.5ºA

1 comentario:

English dijo...

Quedaría mejor si le pusieis color a las letras pero de todas formas esta muy bien.De Claudia