lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Descritcion of the dogs.

They are Real Madrid and Betis. R.M. is taller than Betis. Betis is thinner than R.M. R.M. was white. Betis was white. They´ve got a short tail, brown fur and two beautiful ears. They live in the houses. They can run and sleep. They can´t fly, swim, climb and talk. They like eating, drinking, sleeping, runninig and playing.

The Mary 5ª

2 comentarios:

English dijo...

María, muy bien el que hayas usado los comparativos...Es muy importante utilizar todo aquello que se aprende para que no se olvide y se interiorice bien. Me gusta mucho tu composición.

Very good!!! Excellent!!!

Your teacher, Lidia.

English dijo...

los perros estan apepinado